CAMA Resident Council
The Resident Council strives to improve the quality of life of long term care residents by providing them with a platform to share their thoughts, concerns, and opinions regarding the day-to-day occurrences in the Home. This platform supports the facilitation of participation in inter-home activities, encourages an exchange of ideas, suggestions, and concerns, and improves communication between residents and CAMA staff. All residents are encouraged to attend and participate.
The Resident Council meets regularly on the second Friday of every month at 10:30 a.m.
President: Ian King, Resident
Vice President: Susan Minard, Resident
Secretary: Vanessa Arnold, Director of Therapeutic Recreation and Volunteers
The Council participates in discussions about a wide variety of topics, including:
Upcoming events
Fundraising initiatives
Dietary changes and updates
General concerns, comments, and inquiries
Departmental changes
Updates from management