Suites and Fees

We are pleased to provide basic (shared) and private rooms for our residents. All rooms are furnished with a bed, mattress, dresser, wardrobe, nightstand, lounge chair, and have air conditioning. Bed linens are provided as well. We encourage all residents to decorate their rooms to reflect their likings (e.g., pictures, small furniture, paintings, etc.). Rooms can be decorated prior to admission if time allows.

All fees are determined by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care and are outlined below.


Our basic (shared) suites contain two beds, separated by a partition or curtain, with one shared washroom. Our basic suites are ideal for spouses.

Daily Rate: $63.73

Monthly Rate: $1,938.46

Rates updated October 1, 2022.



Our private suites contain one bed and private washroom.

Daily Rate: $91.04

Monthly Rate: $2,769.14

Rates updated October 1, 2022.


Rate Reduction

Residents who are in a Basic Room may be eligible to apply for a Rate Reduction. As always, should you have questions or require assistance, please contact us at (905) 681-6441.

Changes this year: Automated Income Verification
The Ministry has implemented an Automated Income Verification system that works with CRA to confirm income. This means that you can leave Part B of the "Resident with NOA" form blank, as this will be pre-populated. Should you wish to use the Automated System, please complete the CRA Consent Form and send it along with your application form. You can cancel this consent at any time using the Withdrawal Form; however, you will then need to provide us with a copy of your Notice of Assessment (NOA).

Which form do I need?

We know this process can be tricky. Please review the forms below to determine which one best suits your needs. All forms are available for download below.

Resident With a Notice of Assessment (NOA)

  • If you have had your taxes done for 2021

  • This is the application form that will apply to most residents

Resident Without a Notice of Assessment (NOA)

  • If you do not have a NOA for the 2021 year

Resident Receiving ODSP

  • If you receive ODSP

  • You will also need to provide a copy of a recent ODSP statement

Transitioning to New Government Benefits

  • If your government benefits have changed in the last year


  • If you have indicated on any of the above forms that you would like to retain income for a dependent, please fill out the corresponding form:

    1. Schedule A: Spouse Dependent

    2. Schedule B: Child Dependent, or

    3. Schedule C: Continuation of Deduction

Forms are available for download below: