BPSO Falls Prevention Program
After a lot of planning we are finally ready to role out our Falls Prevention Program. Our pilot unit is going to be Maplewood and we are currently working on educating all staff that work on Maplewood about the changes.
We will be continuing with all procedures already in place and are adding a few more improvements. This pilot is starting on Sept 1st, 2019
Our Overall Goal is to cut down the falls by 10% on each unit. Targets have been set for each unit which were based on the unit’s falls numbers in the 12 months prior to May 2019.
Targets are the following:
Cedarview: 4 Oakwood: 3 Maplewood 5 Evergreen 7
RNAO Champions Training
In June of this year, 12 of our staff members attended the RNAO Champions Workshop.
This workshop trains staff on the science of change and teaches staff how to implement best practice guidelines.
The training was attended by staff that are also on the Falls Committee so that the Falls Committee was well equipped to implement the Falls Prevention Guideline.
This group of staff was key in delivering education related to our implementation phase and will continue to be key in sustainability as they model the changes and best practices.
As a token of appreciation to their dedication to evidence based practice, we held a small pinning ceremony to honor them with an RNAO pin and a Sweater.
We will be sending another 4 staff members to this training this year and plan on sending more next year.